On Monday the RBI issued a new rule for deposits of demonetised notes over Rs.5000. On Tuesday, Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi accused the Reserve Bank of India, of changing laws like the Prime Minister Narendra Modi changes his clothes. The new guideline by RBI said that any amount above Rs.5000 in old demonetised notes can be deposited only once in individual accounts before December 30.
Rahul Gandhi took to Twitter to express his angst. Sharing an article about RBI guidelines Rahul posted, “RBI is changing rules like the PM changes his clothes.”
RBI is changing rules like the PM changes his clotheshttps://t.co/UNmJB9etFb
— Office of RG (@OfficeOfRG) December 20, 2016
Rahul has time and again criticized the move of Demonetisation and its execution ever since Prime Minister Narendra Modi rolled out on November 8. He has, in his rallies, also said that this move is against the poor and the farmers. He accused the Prime Minister of working for the benefit of 1% of the super rich population and in turn creating issues for 99% of the honest Indians. Last week Rahul also claimed that he has news about Modi being corrupt and that he was not allowed to speak in the parliament so as not to oust the PM’s facade.

He also accused Modi of traveling to the USA and other countries using his rich friend’s aircraft and made fun of 99% of the honest citizens of the country with Demonetisation move. At a Janakrosh Rally in Juanpur, UP, Rahul said, “Maximum wealth lies with 50 families. Modi goes to America and China with their family members, using their aircraft.”
The winter session of parliament ended on December 17 Sine Die. The session that started on November 16 was adjourned almost every second day due to disruptions. The oppositions made a huge ruckus in regard to Demonetisation implementation in our country.