Mr. Shashi Tharoor, senior leader of the Indian National Congress (INC) took a dig at the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Government, for Aadhar Card and PAN Card link.
On the 6th of April, Mr. Shashi Tharoor shared a sarcastic meme image, with a unique conversation between Mughal emperor Akbar and Birbal. In the shared tweet, Birbal said, “Did you know? Mughal chapters were removed from history books” to which Akbar said, “May be our Adhaar card is not attached with Pan”. He captioned this as “Be warned.”
Be warned!!
— Shashi Tharoor (@ShashiTharoor) April 6, 2023
The viral tweet was shared in the view of the recent mandatory Aadhar Card and PAN Card link rule, issued by the Narendra Modi led Central Government.
To ensure identity proof and being a citizen of India, it is mandatory to have an Aadhar Card, a PAN Card and then link Aadhar Card with PAN Card and individual’s mobile number.
The decision to link Aadhar and PAN cards was taken in the view of security and identity verification of the citizens of India, with the Government.
Reacting to the rule and the deadline, which would result in huge fines if crossed, the Indian National Congress, demanded a discussion in the Parliament and opposed the same.
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