The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has approached the Supreme Court to challenge the bail granted to Magunta Raghav, an accused in the Delhi liquor case. The ED’s move comes after the Delhi High Court granted interim bail to Raghav for a period of 15 days, in case the trial court rejected his bail plea. The Additional Solicitor General (ASG) urged the court for an immediate hearing and requested a stay on the high court’s order. A vacation bench consisting of Justices Aniruddha Bose and Ramesh Bindal stated that they will consider the ED’s petition tomorrow.
On Wednesday, the Delhi High Court granted interim bail to Magunta Raghav for 15 days. However, the ED, in its plea filed with the Supreme Court, argued that the reasons provided by Raghav for seeking bail were incorrect. The ED contended that false information was presented to the court regarding the ill health of close relatives. The vacation bench of the Supreme Court has agreed to hear the matter tomorrow.
The legal battle surrounding the Delhi liquor case continues to unfold, with the ED taking measures to challenge the bail granted to Magunta Raghav.
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