On the 9th of February, the Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education (TSBIE) issued instructions to all the private junior colleges asking not to tag the exam and the tuition fees together.
The notice was issued after a few complaints about private junior colleges. There were reports that the private junior colleges are refusing to collect the Intermediate examination fee unless the students pay the tuition fee as well.
Due to the outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19, economic crisis were faced by all divisions of society, following which many students were unable to pay their fees.
Considering the same, the Telangana Education Board instructed the principals of such private junior colleges to accept the exam fee unconditionally.
The Board issued a warning to them regarding the same and said, if the colleges violate any order, a strict action would be taken against them.
This is not the first time, the TS BIE warned private colleges from linking tuition fees and exam fees. A week back, the Telangana Education Department asked principals of several private colleges not to link two different fees and make a hurdle for students appearing for the upcoming intermediate exams.
Meanwhile, as per the board fee schedule, the regular students of the first and the second year intermediate, the failed candidates (general and vocational) and those candidates who are exempted from the attendance (humanities groups) can pay the exam fee till the 11th of February.
In addition, the Intermediate Board examination fee can be paid with a late fee of Rs.100 from the 12th of February to the 22nd of February and with Rs. 500 late fee from the 23rd of February 23 to the 2nd of March.
The exam fee can be paid with a late fee of Rs.1000 from the 3rd of March to the 9th of March.
The students can also pay the exam fee with a late fee of Rs. 2000 from the 10th of March to the 16th of March.
First year regular Intermediate exam fee for general courses would be Rs. 480 and for regular vocational courses, it would be Rs.670.
Stay tuned for further updates.