Covid-19 Awareness: Myths And Inaccurate Facts About Coronavirus And Its Treatment

Coronavirus outbreak, Coronavirus Pandemic, Coronavirus Precautions, Coronavirus Prevention, Coronavirus Symptoms, Coronavirus Treatment, Coronil, Corosure, Covid-19 Awareness, Vitamin C Prevents Coronavirus

Even months after the outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19, myths about the treatment, virus, origin and other inaccurate facts are in circulation through various social media platforms. 

While many still believe it to be due to eating bats in China, many others believe it to be a deliberate act of China, by creating a bioweapon for security reasons. 

However, the Central Government and governments of states and union territories are working to create awareness about the disease amongst the citizens of India.  Medical experts and scientists debunked such claims and released a theory ‘The Proximal Origin of SARS COV-2 Virus. 

According to the study, the virus could not be made by any  person and is natural. It says, “Evidence shows that SARS-CoV-2 is not a purposefully manipulated virus … we do not believe that any type of laboratory-based scenario is plausible.

The healthcare bodies are constantly appealing to people to stay indoors, use sanitizers frequently, stay calm, and immediately reach out for medical advice in case of showing Coronavirus infection symptoms. 

Some of the basic symptoms of the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 are: cough, fever, sneezing, fatigue and difficulty in breathing.

The deadly infection has created severe panic amongst the citizens of India. 

In addition, some of the myths and inaccurate facts like homeopathy cure, Ayurvedic cure and vitamin C as a cure for the Novel Coronavirus.

Some of the myths regarding the Novel Coronavirus are:

Ayurveda, homeopathic and other herbal medicines can cure/prevent the coronavirus

This debate started when the ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Sowa Rigpa and Homoeopathy (AYUSH) released an advisory council suggesting that some Unani medicines can help to prevent the coronavirus infection. However, there is no scientific backing that supports this claim till date. 

Vitamin C helps cure the infection:

Vitamin C was believed to have some healing benefits in the COVID-19 outbreak.  It may act as a supplement to help boost your immune system but there is yet no evidence that it might help to cure the Coronavirus. 


Eating garlic will prevent the infection

Because of the antimicrobial properties of garlic, people think it also prevents the COVID-19 infection. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) cleared that there is no evidence garlic prevents the virus.

In summers the virus would weaken, resulting decline:

It is now 7 months since the virus broke out, and in June and July, India witnessed a massive hike in the cases of the Novel Coronavirus

The virus survived better in cold environments, there is no guarantee that the same will be true for COVID-19.  From the evidence so far, the Novel Coronavirus can be transmitted in all areas, including areas with hot and humid weather. Assuming that the virus will disappear in the summer would be a false hope.

Hot bath and drinking hot water is a cure;

Taking a hot bath or drinking hot water can prevent the virus from infecting you.

Coronavirus symptoms for a majority of the people infected include cough, mild fevers, sore throat, headache, and body ache. While drinking warm water can make you feel better, there is no evidence that it will not cure you. Having a bath in hot water won’t work either, according to WHO, since the body temperature remains at an average of 36.5°C to 37°C, regardless of the temperature of your bath or shower.

Myths about COVID-19 causes:

Eating meat can cause the COVID-19 infection.

The virus does not spread through consumption of meat—chicken, mutton, or fish, and avoiding it does not make you any safer from being infected. 

The virus could be spread when someone comes in contact with respiratory droplets of an infected person. The only way to prevent this is regular use of hand sanitizers, frequent handwashes, wearing face masks and social distancing. 

You don’t have COVID if you can hold your breath for ten seconds without discomfort

You cannot conclude this by holding your breath for 10 seconds. Many young patients can hold their breath even longer, while elderly people cannot hold the breath for 10 seconds even without the infection. The only way to make sure you are not infected is to get a laboratory test done.

Dogs can cause Coronavirus:

This myth started when a dog was tested positive in Hong Kong.  However, later it was found that it was because the dog owner was infected with the virus, and when tested, the virus was found in the dog’s canine. However, WHO stepped in telling that coronavirus in dogs is not possible.

Spraying alcohol or chlorine all over your body can kill the Novel Coronavirus:

No, spraying alcohol or chlorine all over your body will not kill viruses that have already entered your body. They are useful to disinfect surfaces when used under appropriate recommendations.  Using them on your body can be harmful for your clothes or mucous membranes (i.e. eyes, mouth.) 

That was all about the myths or facts you needed to know. 

In India the Novel Coronavirus has infected a large number of people in Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Delhi, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. 

The everyday spike in these regions of India are not only a matter of concern for respective governments, but also a serious issue related to the citizens.

Since, COVID-19 has no proven cure, medication or vaccine, one should keep their immunity strong, follow social distancing and wear masks. 

Wearing face masks could reduce 80 % to 90 % chance of being infected or infecting others. 

In addition, hand sanitizer and washing hands every 15 minutes is another helpful and easy way to prevent being infected by the virus. 

Stay tuned for further details of the Novel Coronavirus.