Baby Girl Decides to Walk the Day She’s Born

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Everyone loves to watch a baby’s first steps, approximately 12 months after they are born. But Brazil has brought an overachiever into this world. The baby was born, the very same day she decided to walk as well.

A video went viral on social media on Friday that shows a new born baby taking her first steps. In the video, you can see a midwife supporting the baby with one hand as she takes one step at a time. The midwife informed that she was going to give the baby her first bath but the little girl had better things to do, like walking.

In the video, you can see the midwife surprised and saying in Portuguese, “Oh my gosh, the girl is walking. Good gracious!”

“Merciful Father. I was trying to wash her here and she keeps getting up to walk,” said the midwife. After all these years of thinking about how Stewie from Family Guy is just fictitious and a baby that small wouldn’t be able to walk, well here we have a real life, Stewie Griffin.

Since the video went online it has gone viral with over 50 million views and 1.3 million shares on Facebook.

Unfortunately, we have limited information regarding where in Brazil the baby was born or who her parents are. A news channel reported that it is possible that the baby was born at Santa Cruz Hospital, in a city in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in the South of Brazil. The news channel came to this conclusion based on the uniform of the midwife in the video.


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