Hyderabad: Prime minister Narendra Modi alleged that Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) looted the state with Kaleshwaram project and Congress government closed the file without any enquiry. He said that both Congress and BRS parties are traveling in the same line ‘Jhoot-Looth’ (Lies and Corruption).
Modi addressed a public meeting at Adilabad district here on Monday as a part of 10 days long intense campaign. He alleged that the fate of Telangana didn’t change though Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) changed its name to BRS. Congress is not going to transform the state,Modi said.
Modi said that he doesn’t have any dreams and fulfilling the dream of 140 crore Indian’s will make him happy. India is my family and I’m working hard to give them a strong assurance that I will stand by them, the Prime minister further stated.
Modi said that winning 400 seats is the target of BJP for next general elections and asked every activist and party worker to work with utmost commitment and dedication.
Union minister Kishan Reddy said that BJP will do politics during the elections and work hard for the development of the country after the polls.