Chief Minister of Telangana K. Chandrasekar Rao took blessings of the President by touching his feet at his arrival for this 10 day Sojourn yesterday. However the Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Mr. Naidu has himself avoided from joining the welcoming.
CM’s of both the Telugu speaking states might be facing each other along with President Pranab Mukherjee today at the dinner.
President will be visiting Tirupati and temple of Lord Sri Kapileswara Swamy. During the period of South Journey he will be staying at ‘Rashtrapathi Nilayam’ in Bolaram, Secunderabad. His South journey will end on 8th July 2015.
The Rashtrapati Nilayam building was taken from the Nizam of Hyderabad after India attained independence and given it over to the President’s Secretariat. It was constructed during 1860, the total land area is of 90 acres.
The President stays there for at least once in a year and takes over official business from the Rashtrapati Nilayam.