Touch Screen is ancient news, Google’s New Technology made sure of it

Google’s New Technology will definitely boggle your mind. Google is making in roads into the World’s technical future, at a pace beyond your wildest dreams. Here is an example of that.

Google's New Technology will make you forget Touch Screens
Google’s New Technology will make you forget Touch Screens

Google has a separated wing which indulges itself in creating the most advanced innovative tech projects. The team was named Advanced Technologies and Projects group (ATAP). ATAP has now come up with a new mind blowing Tech called ‘Soli’.

Google's New Technology  will make you forget Touch Screens
Thanks to Google, you can change your time with just a gesture

‘Soli’ looks like an electronic chip. But as you might be suspecting, it is no ordinary Chip, in fact its a radar. It is capable of reading and recording finger  and interpreting them to interact with a connected device movements. The device can be anything from a common digital watch to an expensive sports car.

Going into the details, The Soli project uses radio waves (60GHz) that are able to capture up to 10,000 images per second, thus acting like a radar that tracks the slightest hand movements or finger snaps in order to then convert them into action, be that scrolling through a menu or increasing the volume on a device.

Google is now working on integrating this technology into wearable connected devices, such as watches, so that they could be managed from a distance, without the need for a touch screen, buttons or a scroller. In fact, the body could eventually become the principal command interface for connected devices.

Soli Will Allow you customize your devices with out your touch
‘Soli’ Will Allow you customize your devices with out your touch

ATAP  believes that it is by far the most precise solution ever tested when compared to everything that has already been done in this sector.

Yes, there was the motion sensing technology of Leap Motion, but the Google’s version is the most compact and can be integrated into almost every device. Google ATAP is already implementing the tech in various device developments such as Ara (modular smartphone) and Tango (3D cartography).

If Google goes all the way, we will soon be having phones in our pockets that will function even with out human touch.