Defence deals worth more than $ 5 billion with Russia, have been announced. India signed up for a Russian Akula- class nuclear attack submarine, this contract was signed and finalised in Goa after the recent BRICS summit.

INS Chakra, formerly the K-152 Nerpa, is already being operated by the Indian Navy. It was taken on lease from Russia on April 4, 2012 for a period of 10 years which will expire in 2022. Reports said the Indian Navy was interested in a Yasen class nuclear attack submarine, but the negotiations were taking a long time and the Navy were unable to wait– hence, the Akula 2.akula_class_submarine_stern_view

The Akula is one of the most silent submarines in the world, Akula- class nuclear attack submarine has the ability to sail at a speed of up to 65 km per hour (35 knots,) and tracking it underwater is next to impossible. Having the ability to inflict serious damage to enemy ships and submarines, it also has the capability to target on the land.

A Defence Ministry spokesperson told a news outfit, “The subject does not come within our domain. Therefore we have no comments” , When he was asked about the procurement of a second Akula 2 class submarine. Lately, Russia has been going soft on Pakistan and China. But the question that arises here is, why has India decided to sign a deal with Russia when Prime Minister Modi came up with the ‘Make In India’ concept?qn8hua2oig5tb1x8e17e

Is it because Pakistan has been looking at Russia for support ?


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