AP and Telangana unsatisfied with Krishna water allocation

AP and Telangana, AP and Telangana unsatisfied with Krishna water allocation, Unhappy Telangana ,Krishna Water Disputes, Telangana demand review of Krishna water allocation,krishna water disputes tribunal,Nation,Current Affairs, Krishna River Management Board,AP and Telangana dispute on Krishna water,Krishna Water Disputes, Tribunal,krishna river dispute between AP and Telangana states,Telangana news,political news,Andhra Pradesh News, Mango news

On Wednesday, the Krishna River Management Board allocated the Krishna waters to the Telugu speaking States Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. According to KRMB 15.5 tmc of water has been allocated to Telangana State and 18.5 tmc water has been allocated to Seemandhra state. Both the states, however, showed dissatisfaction at the amount of water allocated to them.

Telangana and Andhra also refused to sign on the working manual and demanded more water from the Krishna water that is available at the Nagarjunasagar and the Srisailam dam. The meeting held on Wednesday witnessed the high drama. Both the states remained on their stand of wanting more waters than the KRMB prescribed levels.

The Telangana State board refused to accept this manual till the KRMB adhere to the 229:512tmc ft ratio which was finalized by the Bachawat water tribunal.

The Telangana state wanted to add 12 more locations in addition to the 47 identified locations according to telemetry meters. This was rejected by the Andhra water board stating that the Penna basin water releases were beyond the power of KRMB. This agitated the Telangana board complained about the noncompliance of the AP board and demanded action. They also complained that though the Andhra state has not received water allocation by the board they were provided water for which the Telangana stated provided evidence.