Mr. Talasani Srinivas Yadav, the Telangana Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Minister, announced the distribution of ‘Chepa Mandu’ (Fish Prasadam.)
Administered to the people annually, Fish Prasadam (live mural fish with herbal yellow paste,) gives relief and health benefits to those suffering from asthma or any respiratory issues.
Thousands of asthma patients from various parts of the country gather in Hyderabad to receive the ‘fish prasadam’ (offering.) It is a medicine that began to be called by the Bathini Goud family a decade ago after rationalists challenged its efficacy. Members of the Bathini Goud family administer the ‘wonder drug’ on ‘Mrigasira Karti’, (during the first week of June) which heralds the onset of the monsoon, providing relief to the people.
The prasadam distribution is being held at the exhibition ground in Nampally from 8:00 A.M., on the occasion of Mrigasira Karti on the 9th of June, Friday. This is the first time after the Wuhan Virus (COVID-19) pandemic, that the State Government organized the prasadam distribution.
For the occasion, the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) Government made elaborate arrangements for the distribution. Separate counters would be made to distribute the prasadam. Furthermore, special counters would be set up for those who are elderly, people with disabilities and small children.
As per the directions of Mr. K. Chandrashekar Rao, the Chief Minister of Telangana, people of Telangana, as well as people coming from other states would also get the prasadam.
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