Bhind: No one is above the law. Not even lord Hanuman. Recently the official authorities of Bindh district in Madhya Pradesh issued an eviction notice to lord Hanuman himself. Confused? read the story.
Lord Hanuman’s temple is situated in the district’s Bajariya locality of Bhind district. According to the officials, some portion of the temple is constructed illegally on public domain. They are claiming that the temple is encroaching upon the public thoroughfare. So they have issued the notice to the temple’s main deity Lord Hanuman.
The reports inform us that the officials took the above decision while pursuing the directive of Gwalior High Court to remove the encroachment.
But strangely, the municipal authorities on Friday issued notice addressing Lord Hanuman instead of the temple’s trust or the head priest.
The served notice goes on as follows:
“You have illegally encroached the road which causes public inconvenience, leading to possibility of accident. Despite earlier directive to remove the encroachment, you have not complied. You were given the Gwalior High Court’s order. But you didn’t comply. A contempt of court case has been initiated against you.”
Thus notice pulled out severe public outrage and adverse comments. Municipal officials later came down for damage control and issued a statement that the notice would be recalled.