India is famous for its rich culture and prestigious heritage. India is secular country, every citizen has the right to follow or change to other religion according to his/her perception.

India breathe religion in short. But when it comes to the criticism the whole country gets united. It cannot silently bare anyone who insults the religion.
Religion is the first priority for the country. India is the birth place of majority of religions, which are followed in huge number. India has always stood as a best example for the world in terms of religion.
Here are few instances where few company had to face hue and cry for the religious mistakes and mocked Indian Gods.
1)American Eagle Outfitters in the USA introduced flip flops (slippers) with Lord Ganesa on its soles. This led to protests and the company received lots of complaints forcing them to withdraw the stock from immediate effect.
2) Converse shoe company in 2010 launched its new range of shoes to commemorate the memory of Rockstar Jimi Hendrix by introducing shoe carrying pictures of Hindu deities. After huge hue and cry, the company withdrew it from market saying “we apologise for the unintentional offence”.
3)A brewery in Australia has outraged Hindus after depicting the deities Ganesh and Lakshmi on bottles of alcoholic ginger beer. Later, the company apologized and removed the picture from their product.
4) An Australian swimwear line depicted the image of the Hindu goddess Lakshmi on bikinis. It caused outrage in India after the product was withdrawn.
5)Amazon, an internet based shopping, landed in deep soup in 2014 after selling leggings for females with the images of Hindu god-goddess printed on it.