Uber Cabs Fined $7.3 Million for non compliance

Another setback for Uber. Yet another massive fine was imposed on this smart phone based transportation provider.

According to the reports, California state court in United States has imposed a fine of $7.3 million on Uber cab services for not providing regulators enough information about its service and operations.

LA times reported that, Chief Administrative Law Judge Karen V. Clopton of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) on Wednesday said that the verdict was issued against Uber for not complying with the state laws which were designed to ensure that drivers are doling out rides fairly to all passengers.

Uber Cabs Fined $7.3 Million for non compliance
Uber Cabs Fined $7.3 Million for non compliance

Judge said Uber’s months-long refusal to provide such data is in violation of the 2013 law that legalised such firms.

The reporting requirements include ride-logging information such as date, time, zip code and fare paid.

The San Francisco based firm competes with the taxi industry by contracting with drivers and connecting them with passengers through a smartphone app. Uber has said that it would appeal challenging the verdict.