Fear of Loss?

The restraints gone, Donald Trump has launched an attack on his own party on Tuesday, promising to teach the people who oppose him a proper lesson and fight for the presidency “the way he wants to”.
“I’m just tired of non-support,” Trump said Tuesday evening on Fox News Channel’s “The O’Reilly Factor.” He saved special ire for House Speaker Paul Ryan, who told Republicans Monday he’ll no longer campaign for Trump with four weeks to go before election day. “I don’t want his support, I don’t care about his support,” Trump said.

With his campaign taking a downward trail and little time to steady it, the businessman has taken to the strategy of attacking every critic – including fellow Republicans. Those close to Trump suggested it was “open season” on every detractor, regardless of party. “It is so nice that the shackles have been taken off me and I can now fight for America the way I want to,” Trump said in a tweet.

trump supporters

In another series of tweets, the Republican nominee called House Speaker Paul Ryan “weak and ineffective,” Sen. John McCain “very foul-mouthed” and “disloyal” Republicans “far more difficult than Crooked Hillary”. “They come at you from all sides,” Trump declared. “They don’t know how to win – I will teach them!”

Trump has acknowledged the possibility of defeat in recent days, but on Tuesday he tried to shift the blame for his struggles on Republican defections and an election system that may be “rigged” against him. On Monday, he warned of potential voter fraud in heavily African-American Philadelphia, a claim for which there is no evidence but one that could challenge Americans’ faith in a fair democratic process.


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