Another example of how junk food can be dangerous to your life, only this one is digital and not digestive. As reported by a cyber security firm, McDonald’s India application, McDelivery, leaked personal information such as names, phone numbers, emails, home addresses and social profile links of “more than 2.2 million” of its users.
The report which came out last Saturday through the firm named ‘Fallible’ stated, “An unprotected publicly accessible API endpoint for getting user details coupled with serially enumerable integers as customer IDs can be used to obtain access to all users’ personal information.” The fast food franchise has two branches – West and South and North and East. The McDonald’s app and website are supposedly managed by the West and South branch through which the leak has been detected. Hence it is being speculated that probably the users from North and East regions of India aren’t affected that much.
McDonald’s responded about the issue through a press release which said, “We would like to inform our users that our website and app do not store any sensitive financial data of the users like credit card details, wallets passwords or bank account information.” The organization is quite adamant on the fact that no private information has been given out but nevertheless added a cautionary quote. “As a precautionary measure, we would also urge our users to update the McDelivery app on their devices,” it said. Well better to be safe than sorry and we too urge all our readers and avid junk food fans to update their apps immediately.