The deadly Wuhan virus, also known as the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is continuously mutating into new variants, including Delta, Delta Plus and now COVID-22.
Experts suggest the new variant termed as Super Variant COVID-22, dangerous and more deadly than the previous variants. According to medical experts, the new variant would be worse than the existing Wuhan virus variants and is expected to emerge next year, 2022.
Professor Sai Reddy, an immunologist in Zurich, said the Wuhan virus is one of a kind pandemic, which is evolving into new variants which are more deadly and dangerous. He said, “COVID-19 could be worse than what we are seeing now.”
He also suggested having more than one vaccine, which would be effective on the deadly virus, to fight the pandemic in the coming years. With the statement of Mr. Reddy, it is assumed that the Novel Coronavirus which broke out in 2019 December, is likely to continue for another year, with variations of new mutants. After the Wuhan virus pandemic in 2020, the world reported a second wave with variants like Delta, Delta Plus, Kappa and others in 2021. Besides, the World Health Organisation (WHO) also alerted other nations to be prepared for the third wave, which is likely to emerge in October 2021.
In addition, Dr. Chris Smith of Cambridge University, said, “We all agree that (the pandemic) is not over until it is over in every corner of the world, because otherwise it will just come roaring back. Don’t forget we think that this started with a handful of cases in one city, in one corner of one country … and it then eclipsed the entire world. But one must not take one’s eye off the ball here because it would be very easy to unstitch all of the good work we’ve done so far if it turns out with time we do lose immunity because the vaccines wane in their effectiveness.”
Meanwhile, many medical experts across the globe, also asked people to get their vaccine doses, as non vaccinated people could be super spreaders, resulting in the rise of COVID cases.
However, with this constant adapting of the new variants, the medical experts are advising people to ensure they not only rely on vaccine doses, but take extra precautions, avoid getting infected and maintain a healthy diet to enhance their body immunity.
It is to be noted, so far 2,14,006,837 people across the globe are infected by the Novel Coronavirus, of which 4,465,549 are deceased cases.
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