Mumbai: The most rumoured love birds of Bollywood, Alia Bhatt and Sidharth Malhotra raised the temperatures of the tinsel town with their steaming hot latest photo shoot. The couple looked lovely together and their sizzling hot chemistry made heads turns in the shoot. Both Alia and Sidharth were seen sharing a great equation and playing silly games in the video clip. Though, the couple never opened up about their relationship, the photo shoot will definitely speaks volumes.
On the work front, the couple will be seen sharing screen space in their upcoming film “Kapoor and Sons”. Directed by Shakun Batra, the film also stars Fawad Khan, Rishi Kapoor, Rajat Kapoor and Ratna Pathak.
ALSO READ: Sidharth Malhotra asks KRK to shut up for his tweet on Alia Bhatt’s panty
Watch the video clip here: