After 17 years of Priyanka Chopra winning the Miss World title in 2000, 2017’s Miss India Manushi Chhillar bagged Miss World 2017. Miss Chhillar is the sixth India to be crowned Miss World. Reita Faria was the first India to become Miss World in 1966. Aishwariya Rai Bachchan won the title in 1994 followed by Diana Hayden in 1997. Yukta Mookhey was crowned in 1999 and leading Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra in 2000.
Miss Chhillar is from Haryana and is only 20 years old. This beautiful lady studied medicine and plans to become a cardiac surgeon. Her main agenda is to open non profit hospital in rural areas to help the unfortunate ones. Manushi’s father Dr. Mitra Basu Chhillar is a scientist at the Defense Research and Development Organisation.
Manushi’s motto in life as mentioned on the Miss World website, “When you cease to dream you cease to live” and “Courage to give flight to your dreams and the ability to believe in yourself makes life worth living.”
Check out a few pictures of this gorgeous Indian: