Kuppam: In a significant political move, Nara Bhuvaneshwari, the wife of TDP chief Chandrababu Naidu, filed nomination papers in Kuppam constituency on behalf of her husband. Accompanied by a massive rally of TDP, Janasena, and BJP supporters, Bhuvaneshwari submitted the documents to the Returning Officer (RO) amidst a charged atmosphere.
Addressing the enthusiastic crowd, Bhuvaneshwari criticized the previous government’s lack of justice and emphasized Chandrababu’s relentless efforts towards state development. She highlighted the decline in industrial growth under the current administration and urged unity among all Andhras, irrespective of caste or religion.
Asserting the need for change, Bhuvaneshwari called for an end to what she termed as “demonic rule” and urged voters to wield their vote as a weapon for transformation. She rallied the supporters, emphasizing the collective effort needed to establish a government that truly represents the people’s aspirations.
The nomination filing event underscores the TDP’s determination to challenge the incumbent regime and usher in a new era of governance in Kuppam.