A few weeks before one of the largest elections to be seen in the Lok Sabha kick off, the AIADMK and the DMK laid out their strategies in the manifestos released, on the 20th of March, by both the Parties. While the two Parties seem to have different opinions about how to run a government, their campaign strategies seem more similar than one would have thought.
From pushing the scrapping of NEET, to releasing seven convicts held in relation to the Rajiv Gandhi assassination and to even promising complete stateship for Puducherry, the two Parties seem work on similar ideologies.
While the AIADMK has been in power for the last eight years in both Center and State, the DMK has been out of the picture for quite a while now. Apart from promising statehood, both the Parties also promised loans to small and medium farmers and separate education loans. Perhaps the one differentiating factor between the laws laid down by these two Parties is the fact, in addition to the above offers, the AIADMK also promised a direct monthly transfer of Rs. 1,500 under the Amma National Poverty Eradication Initiative.
The above amount is for helping widows and for helping the betterment of women in general. While promoting themselves as nationwide parties as opposed to centralised ruling forces, the AIADMK and the DMK both created their strategies with a wider perspective.
As the DMK promised to make Tamil a mandatory language in schools and to give Sri Lankans an Indian citizenship, the AIADMK stated, it will figure out the reason behind the massacre of Tamilians in Northern Sri Lanka.
With both the Parties contesting 20 seats each in the State, it is going to be interesting to see if the Stalin led DMK will win or the AIADMK will retain its position at the top!
With only a few days to go before the Lok Sabha elections kick off, this neck to neck race is going to be quite a treat to watch. The Lok Sabha elections in Tamil Nadu will be held in a single phase, on the 18th of April, for a total of 39 seats.
With so many bold promises being made, the votes can swing either way, so don’t forget to stay tuned to the page for the results on the 23rd of May!