In an unexpected incident on 2nd October, a woman from Pune delivered her baby in the backseat of an Ola cab. The woman, a resident of Kondhwa area was in labor when she boarded the cab with her family.
Before they arrived at the hospital the woman delivered a baby boy. Ola wrote a blog about the incident and explained, “Midway through the trip, the baby’s cries were suddenly heard in the backseat the baby was born.”
The mother along with her newborn baby and the family were taken to the hospital. The cab company decided to announce free rides for the woman and her son for the next five years.
The woman’s husband, Ramesh Singh Vishwakarma spoke to a news channel and said, “My wife’s expected delivery date was October 24 but in the wee hours of October 2, she started experiencing labour pains, so we booked a cab in the morning to go to Kamla Nehru Hospital, and at around 7:20 A.M., the cab driver arrived for pick up at our residence in Kondhwa area.”
The cab driver, Yashwant Galande was also felicitated for helping the passengers. He was quoted saying, “The entire trip was an anxious experience. I never thought I would help deliver a baby in the line of duty.”
Congratulations, it’s a boy! Ishwari delivered a baby in our cab. We’re giving them 5 years worth free rides.
— Ola (@Olacabs) 5 October 2017