The Supreme Court Friday stayed Congress leader Rahul Gandhi’s conviction in the defamation case, which had led to his disqualification as the sitting Lok Sabha MP and had placed a question mark on his eligibility to contest in the upcoming 2024 Lok Sabha elections.
The stay is pending the final adjudication of his appeal by the court. The apex court said that the trial court had not given a reason for imposing the maximum sentence of 2 years imprisonment.
It came after Gandhi argued in the Supreme Court that the original surname of Purnesh Modi, the complainant in the defamation case against him, is not Modi and that he (Purnesh) belongs to Modh Vanika Samaj.
he apex court bench, comprising Justices BR Gavai, PS Narasimha, and Sanjay Kumar, heard Gandhi’s plea against the verdict of the Gujarat High Court upholding the Congress leader’s conviction in the defamation case.
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