The world is going madder by the day between movie and sport stars. The love for their favourite superstars is raising their stupidity levels.
Going into the details, In the past when Scarlett Johansson was appearing on US talk show, the show host Jay Leno handed her a tissue when the star said told him about her cold.

During the show, the star actress blew her nose twice, leaving some lipstick and mucus behind, before putting it in a bag and signing it. Johansson told Leno she had caught a cold from him and thought her illness had more “value” as it had been passed from one celebrity to another.
According to reports, Proceeds from the sale went to hunger charity USA Harvest, the charity of Scarlett Johansson’s choice. It is not the first time the Avengers star has used eBay to raise money for charity. In March of 2010 a fan paid £20,000, which went to Oxfam, for a 20-minute date with the Hollywood actress. The amount also went to charity.