Amaravati: YSRCP requested the AP High Court to stop the release of Rajadhani Files movie which is scheduled for release on February 15. YSRCP state general secretary Lella Appi Reddy moved the high court and alleged that the movie was intentionally made to defame CM YS Jagan Mohan Reddy and YSRCP.
YSRCP counsel VRN Prasanth submitted to the court that the movie is filmed tampering the facts and showcasing the YSRCP and chief minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy in negative roles. He requested the court to cancel the censor certificate issued by CBFC.
Senior counsel Unnam Muralidhar Rao appearing for the producers of the film submitted that the movie is censored following the guidelines of CBFC and a few scenes were also deleted as per the directions.
Jupudi Yagnadath Appearing for the Union government submitted to the high court that the producers complied with the directions of CBFC and deleted the objectionable scenes. The High Court posted the matter for February 14 to take a decision on giving interim orders.