Bangalore: A seemingly routine bus journey from Bengaluru to Mysuru took an unexpected turn when the state-owned Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) charged a whopping fare of Rs. 444 for four lovebirds, sparking a viral frenzy on social media.
According to officials, a grandmother and her young granddaughter embarked on their journey to Mysuru at 8 am on Wednesday, accompanied by four parrots they had purchased. While the duo received free tickets under the Shakti Yojana, aimed at empowering women and children, the feathered companions were charged a staggering Rs. 444 – equating to Rs. 111 per bird.
Passengers onboard the bus captured the unusual sight of the grandmother and granddaughter seated amidst the bus seats, accompanied by their avian companions, and shared it widely on social media platforms. However, it was the exorbitant ticket price that truly captured everyone’s attention.
Under KSRTC regulations, passengers are required to purchase a half-ticket for any pets or birds they bring along on their journey. Failure to procure the appropriate ticket may result in a fine amounting to 10 percent of the ticket price. KSRTC officials emphasized that failure by conductors to issue the required tickets could lead to potential criminal charges and suspension for misappropriation of KSRTC funds.
The incident has ignited a debate on social media regarding the fairness and practicality of such ticketing policies, particularly in cases involving animals or pets. While passengers applaud the gesture of providing free travel tickets under the Shakti Yojana, many have expressed disbelief at the hefty fare imposed on the lovebirds.
As the story continues to gain traction online, KSRTC may find itself under increased scrutiny regarding its ticketing practices, with calls for clarity and consistency in applying regulations, especially in instances involving unconventional passengers such as pets or animals.