Let’s celebrate the world social media day by thanking it for the change it had bought in our life. We all are always active on the social networking sites where we get to know everything at just a fingertip.
Social media has been indulged in our life’s more than just likes, shares, re-tweets, following our favourites etc.

The cyber-crime department says: ‘ We have a page on Social media has helped us in tracking the crime, citizen can lodge their complaint on the website, this enhances us to approach people as soon as possible. We even have a cross check on the people who maintain the fake profiles and harass people.’
Cracking cases and getting information helps in solving easy. Social media helps people to get into the right opportunities and a excellent platform for all to enhance their skills.
It’s a place where the word spreads like fire.
Actress Sirisha Vanka was selected through the social media to be a part of the film Paathshala. She express that had it not been for social media, she might not have landed this opportunity. “I was spotted on social media and then asked me to audition for them. Today the youth can showcase their talent using the social media. This would not have been possible earlier, It’s a place where I get to meet my fans” she says.