On the 10th of January, Tuesday, the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam (TTD) announced to limit the number of SRIVANI break darshan tickets for devotees.
According to sources, the TTD Trust Board has decided to reduce the number of daily tickets to 1,000, including 750 online and 250 tickets offline. Now, the offline SRIVANI tickets for break darshan would be issued at Tirupati airport only to those coming by air.
In addition, the SRIVANI donors need to attach the boarding pass to the break darshan ticket and PNR number with airline reference to avail of break darshan tickets, confirmed the TTD in an official release issued on Tuesday.
The announcement to limit SRIVANI tickets was in view of the decision to give priority to common pilgrims’ darshan in Tirupati. Recently, the TTD received criticism that the authority is giving priority to VIP Break Darshan, to those coming by air.
Now, with this 1,000 daily limit, the authority would provide 750 tickets online and the remaining would be offline at the Tirupati Airport counter.
However, for January darshan, the TTD released 500 tickets online already and the remaining tickets would be available offline. In addition, for those applying for the 11th of January darshan, devotees could get darshan tickets at the Tirupati Airport Counter, by showing relevant documents.
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