Telugu actress Ashmita Karnani shames eve-teasers on FB

Ashmita 1
Telugu actress Ashmita Karnani shames eve-teasers on FB

Hyderabad: The SHE team of Hyderabad arrested two eve-teasers after the Telugu actress Ashmita Karnani posted their photographs on Facebook while they were teasing her. The accused were identified as Syed Norulla Hussaini (29) and Imran Bin Mohammed (30).

The actress on her FB page wrote – “While returning from work today (from city centre signal -Punjagutta) being harassed by these two super cool dudes (vehicle number TS11EB3507) who were hell bent on obstructing my way, making gestures etc! Show them some love guys! Make them popular on FB.”



Eve teasers

The post garnered support of about 11,000 people on Social Media. The SHE team immediately took the action. The actress then posted, “Heartfelt thanks to the SHE Team, Hyderabad, and all my friends and family who stood by me. Shout out to all my FB friends, wouldn’t have ever happened without you all.”