The Telangana Government released the results of the Telangana Open School, Society for Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and Intermediate results.
On the 16th of June, the Telangana Education Department confirmed the release of the results for the exams, held in April-May. As per the official notice, approximately 30,564 students appeared for the SSC exams, whereas 42,026 students for the intermediate examination. Of the total, only 15,193 cleared the SSC exams and 19,813 passed the intermediate exams.
The official notice read, “The Printed Memorandum of Marks of pass/fail candidates will be sent to the concerned Institutions within 15 days. Candidates can download a copy of the
Memorandum of Marks from the website ‘’. If any
discrepancy in memos shall be brought to the notice of the State Office of Telangana
Open School Society Hyderabad on or before 11.07.2023 through the District
Educational Officer / Head Master/ Principal & AI Coordinator concerned. No
correspondence shall be entertained after the prescribed date for the corrections.”
Furthermore, students who wished to apply for recounting or reevaluation of the answer sheet can apply between the 26th of June to the 4th of July. For the recounting of SSC and Intermediate papers, fee is Rs. 350 and Rs 400, respectively. In addition, for the reevaluation of SSC and Intermediate papers are Rs 1,200 each.
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