In Maharashtra’s Nagpur, a 60 year old man is suffering from a rare medical condition and is carrying twins in his stomach.
Sanju Bhagat from Nagpur entered his 20s, when his belly began to expand at an alarming rate,the revelation of the reason for his bloated stomach in 1999 changed his life forever. The doctors described this state as a rare medical condition of ‘Fetus in Fetu’.
What is Fetus in Fetu?
According to the National Library of Medicine, Fetus-in-fetu (FIF) is a rare entity in which one malformed vertebrate fetus is enclosed within the body of its twin. This is an extremely rare condition, and Hopkins et al. found fewer than 100 case reports in their extensive review of the literature. An array of presentations is described in the literature, although the embryo pathogenesis and differentiation from a teratoma have not been well established.
In simple words, the ‘Fetus in Fetu’ is the presence of one of the twins in the body of the other. In Bhagat’s case, he was carrying the twins for 36 years.
The surgeon described the surreal experience of operating on Bhagat, saying, “He just put his hand inside, and found a lot of bones inside. First, one limb came out, then another limb came out. Then some part of genitalia, then some part of hair, some limbs, jaws, limbs, hair.”“We were horrified. We were confused and amazed… It was a bit shocking for me.”
Due to this unique and rare medical condition, Sanju Bhagat has been given a nickname of “pregnant man.”
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